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The Answer Is Simple...

Enter into the greatest love affair you’ll ever experience in this life: a love affair with your beautiful, Divine, authentic, holy Spirit!


The Answer Is Simple...

Enter into the greatest love affair you’ll ever experience in this life: a love affair with your beautiful, Divine, authentic, holy Spirit!

In just 21 short daily lessons, you'll discover how embracing and nurturing your beautiful, Divine, authentic, holy Spirit...

  • Calms you and guides you towards inner peace
  • Soothes your nervousness and insecurity
  • Removes your fear and self-sabotage
  • Clears brain fog
  • Quiets the negative chatter in your mind
  • Leads you to the frequency and vibration of the Divine mind
Start Your FREE Course Now
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You’re designed to be a joyful, peaceful, magical, and highly empowered holy being

A well-nurtured, fully embodied Spirit guides you towards inner peace and quiets your nervous, insecure, fearful, self-sabotaging, ego mind. It calms and clears the brain fog, quiets the negative chatter, and leads you to the frequency and vibration of the Divine mind.

But, I can hear you asking, how am I to achieve this? To live your Spirit is deceptively simple: All you must do is detach from your ego and follow your heart.

We should all treat our Spirit as a sacred guest, and shower it with the same attention and care we would extend a special visitor.

I created this 21-day course to guide you through life’s challenges and help you find the most direct and satisfying path to joy and fulfillment.

Learning to love yourself and live your Spirit is actually quite simple once you realize the truth. And the truth is: You are not the ego. You are Divine. You are holy. You are Spirit.

I want to help make you aware of your gorgeous and Divine Spirit and teach you how to love and live your Divine nature—starting now.

Once you choose to love yourself and align with your Spirit, life aligns with you. Obstacles give way to openings, and struggle turns to support.
​If you look through the lens of Spirit, knowing we’re all one, you’ll always feel safe, secure, and loved.

As you use this course to align with your authentic self and Spirit, you’ll begin to feel deep and genuine love and affection for who you really are.

And then, when your heart is open and you expect the best, the Universe will meet you halfway and fill your life with wonderful surprises. 

Your intuition is the guiding voice of your life - so let’s connect your intuition back into your body, so you can discover exactly what and who you are meant to be.
Start Your FREE Course Now
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Sonia is celebrated worldwide as an author, spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, and transformational visionary guide. 

An enchanting storyteller, Sonia is known for her delightful humor and adept skill in quickly shifting people out of psychological and spiritual difficulties, and into a healthier energy flow. She is the author of 24 internationally best-selling books about intuitive awakening, personal and creative growth, and the transformational leadership capabilities that reside within, most notably with the New York Times best-seller The Answer is Simple.

Sonia is inspiring a global consciousness movement around her belief that, as human beings, “We are divine beings endowed with six senses to guide us through life.” Sonia insists that we all must rely on our innate sixth senses in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthful, and soul-satisfying decisions possible. Sonia’s work has been published in over 40 countries, translated into 37 languages, making her one of the most widely read authors and experts in her field of work.

Because of her unique gifts, Sonia’s expertise is sought throughout the world, helping both individuals and organizations dramatically improve their experience and abilities to perform at optimal levels through empowerment and transformation. You can learn more about her programs here.

FREE 21-Day Course

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address to take part in this free mini-course with Sonia.  
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See What Sonia's
Students Are Saying:

Thank you Sonia for committing to do the work that you do. Your work and the loving intention behind it has 
changed my life and the life of my family. I just want to say…THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
With Love and Gratitude,

- Paula H.
I truly feel I have a new lease on life and am thriving these days on a whole new loving and supportive spiritual basis.  You have made an incredibly positive difference in my life. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sonia has had a huge impact on our business by helping us to utilize our intuition as a critical building tool. 
Any company in the 21st century needs to embrace the sixth sense, and Sonia is a wise, dynamic teacher 
who helps us to “trust our vibes” even when others might disagree with the direction.
We’ve loved the results!

- Scott and Kim Holstein Kim and Scott’s Gourmet Pretzels

FREE 21-Day Course

Click the big button and enter your name & email

address to take part in this free course with Sonia.  

We value your privacy and would never spam you. Individual results may vary. 

FREE 21-Day Course

Click the big button and enter your name & email address to take part in this free course with Sonia.  

We value your privacy and would never spam you. Individual results may vary.